среда, 19 декабря 2018 г.

The Centre for Social & Cultural Innovatios. MasterPeace Club of Kiev: A children's painting city competition «A World wi...

The Centre for Social & Cultural Innovatios. MasterPeace Club of Kiev: A children's painting city competition «A World wi...:
The Leader of MasterPeace Club of Kiev (the Head of the Centre for Social & Cultural Innovations) Olena Zinchenko congratulated the winners and handed awards and certificates.

  Лідер клубу MasterPeace Київ (керівник Центру соціальних та культурних інновацій) Олена Зінченко привітала переможців та вручила нагороди та сертифікати.

The Centre for Social & Cultural Innovatios. MasterPeace Club of Kiev: Annual Conference-Training «MasterPeace Bootcamp» ...

The Centre for Social & Cultural Innovatios. MasterPeace Club of Kiev: Annual Conference-Training «MasterPeace Bootcamp» ...:  

  October 6th - 13th, 2018 the 7th annual Conference-training «MasterPeace Bootcamp» was held in Colombia (Medellin), where MasterPeace Club leaders from around the world come to meet and exchange ideas, plans and inspiration.

     З 1 по 6 вересня 2018 в Медельіні (Колумбія) пройшла 7 щорічна конференція-тренінг MasterPeace Bootcamp, де збираються лідери MasterPeace клубу з усього світу, щоб зустрітися і обмінятися ідеями, планами і натхненням.


пятница, 7 декабря 2018 г.

The Centre for Social & Cultural Innovatios. MasterPeace Club of Kiev: International Peace Day: MasterPeace Kiev 2018

The Centre for Social & Cultural Innovatios. MasterPeace Club of Kiev: International Peace Day: MasterPeace Kiev 2018:      For the past two decades the United Nations has been commemorating the International Day of Peace. 

Musical-poetical celebratory evening dedicated to International Peace Day the best Ukrainian poets and musicians present their program. On 21th of September 2018 the new event of MasterPeace Club of Kiev and CSCI was held in the Kiev Municipal Club «Olympia».

четверг, 6 декабря 2018 г.

The Centre for Social & Cultural Innovatios. MasterPeace Club of Kiev: The latest trends programmes and develops theatric...

The Centre for Social & Cultural Innovatios. MasterPeace Club of Kiev: The latest trends programmes and develops theatric...: On 4th of July 2018 the new event of MasterPeace Club of Kiev and CSCI was held in the Kiev Municipal Club "Olympia".

The Leader of MasterPeace Club of Kiev (the Head of the Centre for Social & Cultural Innovations) Olena Zinchenko highlighted  the main outcomes of the  intermediate phase of our International Dramatic competition «Peace for Mankind».