Club Leader

Olena Zinchenko:
The Member of Ukrainian National Bar Association (Practising Lawyer, twenty-five years of practice); the Head of the Centre for Social & Cultural Innovations (CSCI), MasterPeace Club of Kiev Leader, a member of the Ingild - IGOW, International Gild of Writers  (Germany), a member of the All-Georgian Rustaveli Society (Tbilisi, Georgia).
Leads a group of licensed lawyers of CSCI.

The Ural State Law University – USLU (LL.M.)
Сontinuing professional development (CPD):

University of Padova  (course MOOC on “Human Rights: Global & Local Protection”)

European Business School -  EBS University of Business and Law (course Social Innovation  MOOC)

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology  KIT and KIC InnoEnergy European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT) (course Idea Generation Methods)

Homuork (course Public Speaking MOOC - Join the Talk & Spread the Word

University of Strathclyde, FutureLearn (course Introduction to Journalism)

National Film and Television School – NFTS, FutureLearn (course Explore Filmmaking); 

Norwich University of the Arts NUA (course Commercial Photography: Still and Moving Image)

Olena is responsible for developing the CSCI and MasterPeace strategic direction and delivering its Projects.  She manages the CSCI and MasterPeace staff team.

A winner of the III National Literary Award “Korneychukovskaya Award – 2015”; Diplomant of the International Olga Beshenkovskaya Literary Award - (Leipzig Book Fair, 2015); Laureate of the international Literary Contest “Her Majesty Book” (Germany – 2015); A finalist of the open Central Asia Book Forum  & Literary Festival 2014 (Almaty – Kazakhstan, 2014); A winner of the first International Literary Contest “Fort Ross”-2014 (USA); Laureate of the international literary competition-festival “Russian Style – 2013” (Germany, 2013); Laureate of the international Kvarner dramatic competitions - 2013 (Croatia, 2013) in the nomination Drama” and others. Has 8 published books in different genres.

Contact Olena:
Tel. +38 050 655 00 79 and Viber;
E-Mail: literatornew@ukr.net
Skype: Olena Zinchenko
FB Messenger

Associate Leader
Roman Yakushev:
The Executive Secretary, Member of the Board of the Centre for Social & Cultural Innovations, IT expert, Author of innovative methods “Smart House”, inventor, holds a number of patents. A leader among young disability advocates, musician.
Leads a group of licensed IT professionals of CSCI.

European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT) (Wirtschaftsinformatik)
Roman is continually undertaking advocacy and working on policy issues that are very important to people with disabilities such as independent living, housing, education and employment. He works to ensure that the interests of people with a disability are heard by government and society.

Contact Roman:
Tel. +38 068 120 98 18;
E-Mail: romanyakushev@ukr.net
WowApp: Roman Yakushev

Partners Connector
Natalia Savina:
Professional social worker, psychologist and mediator; Poetess; a member of the Centre for Social & Cultural Innovations; Partners Connector of MasterPeace Club of Kiev; a member the Ingild - IGOW, International Gild of Writers (Germany) and Ukrainian association of fiction and social writers.
Leads a group of licensed psychologists and mediators of CSCI.

Kyiv National Culture and Arts University http://knukim.edu.ua/

Has 17 years experience as practicing professional social worker and mediator, advises on conflict management and organizational development issues. She is responsible for assisting in the research, evaluation and reporting of projects.
Area of expertise: Library Science and Bibliography; expert in the field of actual situation in the social sphere.

Certificate of Honour (Kiev High Office of State administration and social protection).
Diplomant of the International Olga Beshenkovskaya Literary Award-2016, Laureate of the All-Ukrainian Festival of the Ukrainian book "Theodosius", member of the Centre for Social & Cultural Innovations. Has published books “Pulse of Love”, “How painful it can be to have someone in our hearts”, “The Mysterious Clock”.

Contact Natalia:
Tel. +38 099 253 38 78 and Viber
E-Mail: iya96@i.ua
WowApp:Наталия Савина
FB Messenger

Julia Sheichenko:
A professional interpreter (English Language); Poetess; a member of the Centre for Social & Cultural Innovations; Storyteller of MasterPeace Club of Kiev; a member the Ingild - IGOW, International Gild of Writers (Germany)

Julia’s role involves widening knowledge in a variety of different sectors and supporting the preparation of responses to relevant policy consultations.Responsible for all media-related and public relations tasks, such as contacting media to promote the activities, social media campaigns, and inspirational stories.

Laureate of the European Russian Language Festival - 2009 and World Festival of Russian Language - 2011. Has published book “The melody of intimacy”.

Contact Julia
Tel. +38 050 676 68 64
FB Messenger

      Talents Mobilizer
       Oleksandr Riznyk:
Musicologist, composer, poet, publicist, Candidate of sciences, Defended his Thesis for a Candidate's Degree “Current author's songs and its development in Ukraine”; unique specialist in the field of history of Kiev; a member of the Centre for Social & Cultural Innovations; Talents  Mobilizer of MasterPeace Club of Kiev.
Leads a group of licensed business coaches of CSCI.

The Tchaikovsky National Musical Academy http://knmau.com.ua/

Prior to joining the CSCI and Kiev MasterPeace Club Oleksandr has worked in such organizations: Publishing House “Musical Ukraine” (Editor), Publishing House “Ukrainian Encyclopedia (Senior science editor), Ukrainian Centre for Cultural Research (Senior Researcher, Head of the Laboratory on problems of audiovisual art and popular culture). Recruits members according to CSCI and MasterPeace Club needs. He identifies skills that need to be improved and provides suitable trainings and development opportunities for team members.

Certificate of Honour of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine; Certificate of Honour of the Ministry of Culture and Art; Laureate of the All-Ukrainian Festival of author's songs "Mascot-1992", "Mascot-1993"; author more than 200 publications dealing with Cultural studies; co-author of Encyclopedia "Streets of Kiev", "Kiev. Short toponymic dictionary".

Contact Oleksandr
Tel. +38 050 773 71 11
E-Mail: san-san@volicable.com
FB Messenger

Honorary members of MasterPeace Club of Kiev

Vasyl Drobot

   Distinguished Ukrainian poet, Ushakov Award Winner, Griboedov ("For Honor and Faith") VASYL DROBOT.

V.Drobot is the Head of the author's Poetic studio “Voshod”

   Видатний український поет, володар літературних премій імені Грибоєдова і Ушакова, керівник авторської поетичної студії «Восход» (Національна Спілка письменників України) ВАСИЛЬ ДРОБОТ

    The Videobook of Vasil Drobot's talent (Olena Zinchenko’s essay - etude "House for the Soul" which was published in the well-known German literary magazine "The New Renaissance" (No. 3/13 2013 ISBN 978-3-944121-72-7):

     Відеокнига таланту Василя Дробота - нарис-етюд Олени Зінченко «Будинок для Душі» (опублікований у популярному літературному журналі Німеччини «Новий Ренесанс» (№3 / 13 2013 ISBN 978-3-944121-72-7):

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